Foothill ARK Screening

As of 2020-06-13 Foothill College is requiring the following procedures and information prior to coming on campus

Campus Access

Perform the Health Screening Self-Assessment (below) before traveling to campus, and notify Eduardo of the results.

Volunteers must call 650-949-7317 when arriving and departing. Be prepared to give them this info:

  • Date and time of visit

  • Name

  • Cell Phone number

  • Description of Vehicle (including license plate) if parking on campus

All volunteers must wear face coverings at all times while on campus.

Parking: All CERT volunteers should park in spaces near the CERT Arc with appropriate distancing from other vehicles and each other.

No more than ten volunteers should be at the Arc, in the parking lot, or on Foothill College Campus at any time.

Health Screening Self-Assessment

Volunteers use their own home thermometer to take their temperature and complete self-assessment at home just prior to coming on the Foothill Campus. The volunteer answers these questions as part of the self-assessment. If an volunteer does not have a working thermometer at home, the volunteer will report if they feel feverish along with answers to the other questions.

Complete Step 1 and Step 2 as follows.

Step 1

A. Do you have a temperature or fever?

  • If NO, proceed to question B.

  • If YES, the volunteer should stay home, report their absence, and follow the directions provided by the County Public Health Department and/or their medical provider.

B. Do you have a cough?

  • If NO, Proceed to Question D.

  • If YES, use Question C determine if there is another underlying health issue that is causing the cough; such as allergy or other medical condition unrelated to COVID-19.

C. Do you have a cough that is unrelated to an underlying medical issue?

  • If NO, Proceed to Question D.

  • If YES, the volunteer should remain home, report their absence, and follow the directions provided by the County Public Health Department and/or their medical provider.

D. Do you have shortness of breath?

This is tested by taking a deep breath and holding for 10 seconds or longer; if you cough before 10 seconds, you have shortness of breath.

  • If NO, the volunteer may proceed to Step 2.

  • If YES, the volunteer should stay home, report their absence, and follow the directions provided by the County Public Health Department and/or their medical provider.

Step 2

Upon completion of the three questions above, the volunteer will contact, via email, CERT Supervisor Eduardo Arias (eduardo dot arias at gmail dot com) to report all three questions are negative and they are proceeding to campus on the scheduled day, or they were unable to reach a negative response on all three questions and are reporting their absence.

If any changes occur to the procedures in this Protocol, that information will be provided to you. This Protocol will remain in effect until the Staff Foothill College rescinds it.